Return Lost Lover Spells to Bring back an Ex

Return Lost Lover Spells

How to Bring back your Ex with Love Spells The person who you’ve loved completely has walked away, but does that mean the love is over? Just like any energy which is created in the world, it does not disappear. That love energy is still there, and when the love was true, these spells can […]

Love Spell to Force Someone to Love You

A Black Magic Spell that forces someone to love you

This black magic love spell will seduce, enchant and help you capture the one you want in a web of desire. They will not be able to sleep and will toss and turn at night thinking of you until they hold you in their arms. This black spell will break your loved ones will and […]

Retrieve a Friend or Love You Lost

When you have lost a friend or lover you can feel very lost and alone. This spell works its magic by returning a lost friend or a lost lover into your life. The energies released by this ritual will draw your friend back to you and create harmony and positive feelings between you. The remedy […]

Love Spell to Heal a Broken Relationship

There is nothing worse then breaking up, especially when there is no real reason to end a relationship.  However, there are times where couples simply cannot find common ground and eventually break up.  By casting love spells to heal a broken relationship, the couple should feel relieved of multiple negative emotions which led to the […]

Spell to Resolve a Love Triangle

One of the most famous spells to resolve a love triangle is known as “The Gingerbread Man” Spell. This spell uses sympathetic magic to enact what could come to be in real life. You can use this ritual to return a lost lover as it will successfully resolve a love triangle without bringing harm or pain […]

Forgiveness Spell

The pink candle in this Forgiveness Spell stands for unconditional love. The blue candle stands for peace and forgiveness.  To make the spell more powerfully you can put a picture of the two of you together in front of the two candles to enhance it’s impact. The Forgiveness Spell can be used for lovers, friends, […]