How to Cast effective Fertility and Pregnancy Spells

Fertility and Pregnancy Spells

Last Updated on July 16, 2022 by Wishbonix

The Benefits of Fertility Spells

Wanting to become pregnant can be a challenging time. Though it seems to be a simple request and a simple process, sometimes there are problems along the way.  Whether you or your partner are facing fertility issues, you need all the help you can get in order to conceive a child.  With these fertility spells, you can ensure that you have the best possible luck in getting to the day when you can say that you or your partner is pregnant.  Even if you’re not concerned about having trouble trying to have a child, you might want to use fertility spells to make sure that you and your partner are both holding the proper energy for producing a pregnancy.

Troubles conceiving and troubles with pregnancy happen to many couples, so you shouldn’t feel alone in your worries.  Even if you haven’t had difficulties before with conception, these fertility spells can help you to feel as though you are on the right path to having a baby.  Even if you’re not sure that you need to have help, focusing your energy on your ultimate goal will help you to increase your odds of having a child and of bringing your love into the world.

Correspondences for Fertility and Pregnancy Spells

  • Best Days: Friday, Monday
  • Best Moon Phase: Full Moon
  • Time of Day: Dawn
  • Full Moons: February, March, April, May
  • Season: Spring
  • Directions: North, South
  • Elements: Earth, Water
  • Celebrations: Beltane, Imbolc, Litha, Ostara
  • Colors: Dark blue, black, red, green
  • Planets: Moon, Sun, Venus
  • Numbers: 7, 8, 10, 11
  • Tarot: Empress
  • Chakra: Sacral
  • Runes: Beorc, Ing, Jera, Lagu
  • Fertility Plants and Herbs: Anise, Apple, Basil, Birch, Blackberry, Carnation, Catnip, Cedar, Daffodil, Fennel, Geranium, Hazel, Ivy, Lemon Balm, Mugwort, Myrtle, Olive, Palm, Poppy, Rose, Sage, St. John’s Wort, Sunflower, Vervain, Violet.
  • Fertility Gemstones and Minerals: Green Agate, Amazonite, Carnelian, Garnet, Jade, green Jasper, Moss Agate, Onyx, Rose Quartz.
  • Fertility Gods and Goddesses: Adonis, Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Bast, Brigid, Cerridwen, Demeter, Diana, Flora, Freya, Freyr, Frigg, Gaia, Geb, Hathor, Helios, Hera, Ishtar, Isis, Kali, Lakshmi, Maia, Mars, Osiris, Ostara, Poseidon, Ra, Shiva, Venus, Zeus.

Easy Fertility Spell

An egg has always been a symbol of fertility. For this spell to work, use an egg that has a brown or pink shell.

Brown and pink are human colors that speak of human reproduction to the powers that be.

A green pen is used as green is the color of fertility.  This is sympathetic magic in which grass grown in a pot symbolizes the growth of fertility in your life.

Ingredients you will need for the Fertility Spell

  • An egg with a pink or brown shell
  • Green pen
  • Pot
  • Earth
  • Grass seeds
  • Water

How to Cast the Fertility Spell

Take the egg and using a green marker or pen decorate it with a sun, a moon, a cross, a female sign (symbol of Venus) ♀ and a five-pointed star ✩.

Bury the egg in an earth-filled pot.  Sow grass seeds on the surface.  Water this well for nine weeks.  When the grass is grown, cut it and then bind it nine times with thread.  Let it hang above your bed until you conceive.

Pregnancy Spell

This pregnancy spell is acting out of what it will be like to hold a child in your arms. This spell is a form of sympathetic magic that calls out to the four directions to bless you with a child.

There are no real tools needed for this pregnancy spell.  Epsom salts are used to clarify the aura before you do the ritual.

The ritual is done naked in a field so make sure that you are in an isolated place where you will not upset other people because you are “skyclad” (naked.)

For the Pregnancy Spell you will need:

  • Epsom salts

How to Cast the Pregnancy Spell

Fill a tub with water and add a cup of Epsom salts.  The water should be lukewarm.  Immerse yourself totally in it and pat yourself dry.

Do not dress.  Go naked to the nearest field or garden.  Stand in the middle of the field and throw your arms open to the North and say:

To you my child my body is open

Face the East and say:

To you my child my heart is open

Face the South and say:

To you my child my soul is open

Face the West and say

To you my child my arms are open

Then clasp your arms in the cradle position and pretend you are holding your future child for a moment.  Then cross your arms across your chest as if you are folding it into your heart.

Pregnancy Protection Spell

If you are pregnant and do not want to lose a child, your first step is to make sure that you are medically healthy. Keep all of your appointments, and do not do any activities that may threaten the well-being of the child.

There is no force more protective than a mother’s natural love for a child.  This spell is symbolic of the protection and love you feel for the child.

Use a crocheted square of fabric made out of yarn you are not allergic to. It may be pink for a girl, blue for a boy, yellow for neither or white.

For the Pregnancy Protection Spell You will need:

  • Crocheted square of fabric in pink, blue, yellow or white

How to Cast the Pregnancy Protection Spell

Sit alone in a quiet room and think of your child. Lay the crocheted cloth over your belly.

Imagine your child protected, nurtured, and invulnerable to anything bad in the universe.

Remove the cloth and put it in a particular place when you are done meditating.

How Pregnancy Spells can help you

If you are longing for a child, but have been unable to get pregnant, or if your wife has been unable to conceive, this pregnancy spell will help you. You need no longer suffer the loneliness that being unable to conceive can bring about you as everyone around you seems to have no trouble in producing children.

Some couples are unable to conceive a much longed for a child for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is a biological problem within the wife, or it may be that the husband has a problem, for example, he may have a low sperm count. This pregnancy spell can work for either husband or the wife and will result in a much longed for baby.

With this pregnancy spell, you can say goodbye to being childless, and have the baby that you have both longed for.

2 thoughts on “How to Cast effective Fertility and Pregnancy Spells

  1. Emma says:

    Hello i have just done this spell i went to my local pharmacy a difficulty in getting epsom salts so he gave me something with the exact same ingredients i had to do this spell rather quick as the weather isnt very kind will it still work? Also will this help me and my partner have the baby we are so desperately trying for? Is there a time frame? Thank you.

    • Arin says:

      You can pray to St. Expedite for help in fast results. It may not be the usual that you would think, but saints can hear requests and help out. Just remember to be respectful, and be ready to be surprised 🙂

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