How to Prepare For a Spell – Step-by-Step Instruction

Preparations for a Spell

Last Updated on July 10, 2022 by Wishbonix

How to Properly Prepare for Spells and Rituals

Unless a spell is prepared correctly, there is no way that it will turn out as you expect or even work at all. Meticulous preparation and exact adherence to instructions are paramount to making your spells and rituals work as well as they possibly can.

In previous articles, I have covered timing and requirements that can affect the potency and success rate of your spell casting. All of these factors are important, and now we can put them all together to provide a relatively comprehensive and general method for how to prepare a spell.

Roughly, we can split preparation for a spell into five steps:

  • Schedule which time is best for the type of spell.
  • Choosing and preparing the ritual location and space.
  • Plan and obtain the materials needed and the incantation required (if necessary).
  • Set up the materials as planned.
  • Prepare yourself for the ritual.


Scheduling Your Spell

This first step relates to the timing of your spell and the connection between the time and date at which you cast the spell and the effectiveness of the ritual. By scheduling your spell correctly, you can harness extra energy and potency from the lunar cycles, planets, sun signs, moon signs, days of the week, and the esbats, among others.

It is, of course, possible that you may have missed the best window for the spell and may either have to make the best of the available time or wait a very long time before you can perform the spell at its most potent and powerful time. This is yet another reason pre-planning is integral to performing the best magic.

For example, if you want to perform a spell to find employment, it would be best to schedule it for a Thursday in late March or early April (Aries sign) when the Waxing Moon (associated with gain) is present in the sky.


Choosing the Ritual Location

The magic space where the ritual is held should be carefully selected. A lot can depend on the location, including the ritual’s success. The place should have a certain calm. One must be undisturbed for the duration of spell casting. Nevertheless, it would be best if you considered how you would deal with interruptions in advance.

Ideally, the ritual should take place outdoors, in a natural, quiet and near-earth environment, preferably in forests, meadows, and fields, near trees and water if possible, and you should be able to make a fire there. Even if it is undoubtedly the most beautiful location, it is not always possible to hold rituals outdoors. If the temperature or weather is unfavorable or there is not a sufficiently quiet, suitable place nearby, you can hold a ritual inside your home. You should have enough space to cast the circle.


Cleansing the Magical Space

Before you cast any spell, you need to clean the magical space of negative energies and vibrations. I want to give you examples of how this can be done. It is straightforward and quick to do.

Option 1 – Cleansing Ritual

You need:

  • Rock salt
  • Sea salt
  • Four white fabric bags

Mix the rock salt with the sea salt and put it in the cloth bags. Place them in the four corners of the room you want to clean and speak these words:

I’m cleansing this place
and command all negative forces
to leave this space
So mote it be

While speaking the words, make sure you visualize how the negative vibrations and energies are leaving the magical space. Optionally, you can still smudge the room with some sage.

Option 2 – Smudging

You need: Smudge Stick (Sage, Francinsince, Cedar, or Sweetgrass are best suited)

Light the smudge stick until it burns, then blow it out. The smudge stick will continue to smoke, and that’s exactly what you want. Start in the East and walk the entire space in a clockwise fashion. Make sure the whole space is smudged. While smudging, visualize how the negative energies and vibrations leave the space.

Option 3 – Sweeping

You need: Broom or Besom (dedicated for magical purposes, please do not use the broom you use for cleaning your home)

Start in the East and sweep the entire space in a clockwise fashion, symbolically also clean the air by lifting the broom as high as you can. While sweeping, visualize how the negative energies and vibrations are leaving the space.

Option 4 – Salt

You need: Bowl of Sea Salt

Start in the East and sprinkle it around your magical space. As with the other options, visualize how the negative energies and vibrations leave the space.

Most witches clean their magical space at least once a month, regardless of whether they work magically, pray, or meditate there. You should also clean the room before an Esbat or Sabbath and before stepping into a magic circle.


Obtaining the Best Materials

You must know what materials are needed for your spell. Various candles, oils, and herbs may be required for the spell to work effectively, and using the wrong material can be disastrous for the progress of your spell. Each ingredient holds specific energy and power that works towards the goal of the spell. While advanced practitioners know to substitute ingredients and materials, it is not recommended for beginners.

To use the same example as earlier, your employment spell could require a copper-colored candle and perhaps the herb Lady’s Mantle as it encourages change in life.


Setting up the materials

There may be a specific way to set out the materials for the spell to work. For example, candles may need to be anointed with a special oil and placed in a particular formation to radiate their energy correctly. Herbs may need to be burnt or consumed in a certain way to harness the full potency of the herb. Crystals and Tools need to be cleansed and charged. All of these steps can be done during the planning and preparation stages. This way, when the time for the actual spell arrives, you and all your materials are ready for the task.

In conclusion, there are many factors to think about when you are preparing your spells; all of them are important to help the spell work. It is doubtful that your spell will work if you do not prepare properly and rush this process. Take your time and prepare all materials and ingredients with love. Don’t forget, by putting effort and love into this process; you are already attracting positive energy towards your spell work.

All in all, properly preparing your materials and ingredients is an essential step in making your magic work.


Selecting your Clothing for your Ritual

During the planning and preparation stage, decide whether and, if so, which clothes you will wear. These should be clean and freshly washed. Remember that you may have to stay in an unusual position during the ritual for a long time. The clothing should correspond to the weather conditions. It will be useless if you want to do your ritual naked in the rain and cold, and you cannot concentrate or relax because you have to tremble from the cold.

Make yourself beautiful; enjoy this preparation! You can also choose the colors of the robes corresponding to the purpose of the ritual. Avoid synthetic material if possible.


Purify Self

For best cleansing and purifying, I recommend a purifying and cleansing bath. Add a cotton or muslin bag filled with sea salt, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, lavender, rose petals, hops, and calendula to your bath and soak in it for at least 20 minutes.


Your State of Mind

You should also attune yourself to the ritual because YOU play the primary role in it. At this point, it is essential to mention that you should not hold rituals, cast spells, or do magical work if you are:

  • emotionally agitated or unstable (through grief or anger, e.g.)
  • Feeling sick or unwell.
  • Feeling like you shouldn’t do it (always follow your intuition!)

Some witches and spell casters fast before a ritual. The intention behind this is that you can also cleanse yourself internally and work as ‘freely’ as possible. Alcohol or drugs should be strictly avoided at least 12 hours before rituals. You should have a clear mind and be at the absolute peak of your strength. Therefore, rest beforehand.


Preparing Yourself

Take at least 30 minutes to prepare yourself mentally. Look inward, focus on yourself and focus on what you are about to do. Be clear about what you want and how you want it to work. Above all, free yourself from everything that hinders and bothers you. Purify yourself internally – e.g., by imagining how all anger, all stress, and all negative influences flow out of you and make room for a white flame that burns brightly within you.

If you feel good and strong, calm and relaxed, this is the right time to start your ritual.

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