Introduction to Magic – What is Magic and How you Can use it?

What is Magic - Introduction

Last Updated on July 14, 2022 by Wishbonix

Aleister Crowley defined Magic as the art or science of combining events with the intent of the practitioner. According to this definition, the practitioner is continuously seeking to realize his or her Higher, Divine Self. Once you have found it, you become a divine incarnation and thus gain the right and the power to change the universe according to your intent. Dion Fortune defines Magic as the art of changing one’s own consciousness at will.

Another definition of Magic is any event in nature that is brought about by force of will. It can happen through the use of a spell, an amulet, a talisman, or a ritual. It takes parts of religion, science, mysticism, and psychology to create a way of life and is sometimes called sorcery.

For me, Magic is the energy that gives life to the cosmos. As a practitioner and sorcerer, you may use these energies for your own purposes but must be responsible with their application.

True Magic is a harmonious co-existence with the cosmos. It does not necessarily need elaborate rituals with impressive ‘fireworks.’

Is Magic Real?

Magic has always been a controversial and touchy subject throughout history, and so magical practitioners have often had to contend with a very schizophrenic approach to their talents with some regarding them with reverential awe and others with the utmost of contempt. Sometimes this hostility has boiled over into open violence and persecution, and even today, in this so-called free-thinking society of ours, the concept of true freedom of expression is nothing but a cruel joke.

Art or Science?

Magic is actually the art and science of causing a change in conformity with one’s will.  Magic is the skill and practice of using nonlocal causality and using invisible and abnormal means to encourage causality along certain lines.  There is debate regarding whether or not it is real.

Those who are convinced that magic is real have often either lived in a culture or subculture where it is used or else have studied it and tried it and perceived that it was at least as effective as weather prediction.  One of the most challenging aspects of determining whether or not magic is real is that the way that it operates seems to less than 100% consistency.  In that respect it is more like computers, female orgasms, and weather prediction: it works, but not all the time.  As yet, there is no complete well-known explanation for why it does not always work.

However, the inconsistency of it has always contributed to why many people do not think magic is real.  Many people view magic as ‘soft thinking’ and as means through which people confuse their awareness of how cause and effect work together and draw the wrong conclusion that some ritual they did has yielded results.  Nonbelievers view this simply as an error.  Such things may be attributed to anything ranging from pure stupidity, or to lack of knowledge about how the world really works. Those who do not believe in magic believe that any effects are the result of trickery or of “psyching out” others – that is, psychologically manipulating other people.

Is Magic Real for You?

Whether magic is real or not is only a question that each person can only ever answer for themselves. Put simply, if you do not have any belief or faith in the concept of magic, or have reservations that magic does indeed exist, then the chances are that you are not going to actively pursue it by taking the time and energy to study textbooks and rituals concerning it.

If on the other hand, you have an open mind and are at least open to the idea that magic is indeed a tangible force in the world that we live in, then yes, it is real.

Is there any Proof that Magic exists?

Sadly, while it would seem that everyone has an opinion on magic, it would seem that in terms of actual factual content such as proof of magical events that have not been subsequently dismissed as pure fantasy are woefully short.

However, a counter-argument to this which is often cited by practitioners involved with magic is that true practitioners who are genuinely able to use and rely upon magic do not broadcast their abilities because they are concerned about reprisals. These attacks may come from people who believe that any form of magic activity is to break bread with the devil, or even from jealous practitioners who want to demand the secrets of magic from such people.

When we consider some of the horrific atrocities that spellcasters have had to contend with over the years it is hardly surprising then that people are more than reluctant actually to express that they can indeed perform magic.  It was only 70 years ago in Nazi Germany that people who claimed to be able to perform magic were then summarily arrested in the dead of night and then brutalized in the concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Dachau.

Some of them were considered to be novel oddities by the Nazis and so the Nazis in their perverse fascination with the occult even tortured some magic practitioners to determine whether they were telling the truth about their abilities.

Real Magic and the Media

Sadly, the idea of magic has been diluted in recent times, thanks to the direct interference of the media. With films such as Harry Potter, where magic is a crucial aspect of the success of the book has meant that magic is not considered as serious art. Indeed, now it would seem that the world regards magic casters as little more than petulant fantasists who obviously have a few screws missing.

In conclusion:

Magic is real to those who believe in it and use the energy they have within themselves, in combination with the energy found in natural elements.

When it all comes down to it, magic is as real as you believe it to be. If you are skeptical about it then you may think the results you achieve from it is nothing more than mere coincidence. Essentially, you’ll have to try it out yourself to find out if spell casting is for you.

Think of it this way: Just as some people have a natural gift for singing, art or playing sports, some have a natural gift for magic.

Is magic real? As real as you make it.

Black or White Magic?

First, let it be known that magic itself is neither ‘black’ nor ‘white.’ The practitioner gives it direction! If it is abused to harm someone, then it is ‘black.’ On the other hand, if it is used to try to help someone, then it is ‘white.’ Many mistakenly believe that black magic is stronger than its white counterpart. This is also erroneous! Magic is fundamentally only as strong as the will, the faith, and the creative imagination of the practitioner. These three are the pillars on which magic stands – or falls! Additionally, one should definitely avoid the so-called ‘black practices’! For everyone is ultimately responsible, under the divine plan, to account for what they have done and what they are doing.

These are the two most important rules:

Everything you send out returns to you three-fold!

This relates to the good as well as the bad!

Do what you like as long as it harms no one!

This also means you should not harm yourself! Magic can, however, be classified as positive and negative. These classifications are related to the moon phases. Positive Magic consists of rituals and actions which are designed to gain or achieve something. The waxing moon phase is the time for this. In contrast, negative magic contains spells with which we want to diminish, lose, or get rid of things. The waning moon phase is ideal for this.

Examples for positive magic: love spells, spells to increase health and achieve goals. Examples for negative magic: spells to help lose weight, avoid something, or give protection from something.

Magic and Ethics

Everyone who examines magic will sooner or later come across a crucial question:

Is it at all ethical to use a power that has virtually unlimited potential?

Is it right to access human fate and try to change it?

Can we even imagine what sort of circumstantial effects our work may have?

Wouldn’t it be better to just refrain from it?

These are all questions that each human being can and must answer for themselves. The only deciding factor here is one’s own moral conviction – and education, cultural background, and religion also play a role here. I think that no one can make their own personal opinion and ethical or moral conviction into a rule for EVERYONE. We may also consider, in this context, that even though we may not use magic, we make decisions and take actions daily, which influence not only our fate but that of many others. Our life demands actions and decisions. We also, consciously or subconsciously, use many devices to reach our goals.

We may simply call this psychology or common sense, but we may all use a little magic – unconsciously. The borderlines are not clearly defined – it is often just a matter of definition.

Therefore search and compare; probe and experiment.


How to Use Magic

Magic and Spells have existed for centuries in a number of different pagan religions. However, even though magic has been used and taught, there are various kinds. In fact, to this day, there is no agreement of what magic is and what it is not. You need to understand that the term “magic” isn’t referring to the type portrayed in movies or fantasy novels. There are not always wands used for casting these rituals. This magic is based on using the natural energies found within our planet and in ourselves.

Although there are different magical beliefs, there are three popular forms that are used for spells. They include:

Natural Magic

Some magical cultures believe in using natural objects such as candles, herbs, crystals, incense, roots, minerals, animal parts, etc. It is thought that a particular indirect link exists between natural magic and the realm of human endeavor. In natural magic, the physical characteristics of the item and its magical symbolism are known as the Doctrine of Signatures. For instance, violet leaves that appear heart-shaped, are often used for love spells.

Talismanic Magic

Instead of using natural objects for casting spells, some cultures choose human-made artifacts such as lucky charms, amulets, talismans, and so on. Talismans can be made and used by a spellcaster, but are usually prepared by a conjurer, jeweler or craft-maker for commercial purchase. These empowered objects that are sold are believed to work in the best interest of the spellcaster.

Thelemic Magic

Also known as “will-based” magic, Thelemic magic is primarily based on using the mind and inner self as a magical tool. Thelemic practitioners believe that the actual physical performance of spells is not important, because simple visualization of performing the spell is sufficient enough. The visualization strengthens their will-power and brings about the magical results they wish.

As you can see, each culture has its own rules and beliefs in regards to how magic works and how to use it. That being said, what makes an individual a good spellcaster is his or her ability to use the foundation on which their magical beliefs are based, and improvise spells to create their desired outcome.

Intentions of Magic Spells

Finally, remember that regardless of what spell you choose to cast, or how you choose to do the rituals, your intention should not be to harm or manipulate another person. Spells should also not be used for greed. It should be used to channel positive energy. Dark energy is hard to control and can cause unpredictable outcomes.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t use magic for your own personal gain, such as finding love or improving your chances of bettering your life personally or financially. What it does mean is that your desires should be realistic wishes that will better the person you are.

Believe in yourself and believe in the natural power of life that surrounds you. Once you realize that we are connected to nature, and nature is connected to us, you won’t have a problem making rituals work for you.

Types of Magic

From time immemorial, practitioners have been known to use wisdom, inborn and cultivated power, the knowledge gained from their ancestors and their experience in performing different types of magic to attain a positive outcome. Many seek the powers of practitioners, spellcasters, and witches, in cutting away the rough edges on their journey towards their destiny. These spellcasters perform rituals based on the needs put forth by their clientele and introduce the ingredients that can draw the energy from the various elements controlling it.

There exist different types of magic today. On a broader classification by anthropologists, it can be divided into three types. They are:

Homeopathic Magic

Homeopathic magic or identical magic believes that an attempt made to gain control over an event by mimicking it can result in the desired event. For example, when you hit on an image of your enemy, it will surely cause an injury on the target. It believes that similar actions produce similar results.

Sympathetic Magic

The practitioners who believe in the powers of the sympathetic magic deem that an action performed on a similar object that resembles another can create the desired result. The comparison of a walnut to the brain is an example of the core idea behind imitative magic.

Contagious Magic

A typical example of contagious magic is voodoo wherein the spellcasters perform the spell on dolls made from natural ingredients, which also contain a biological element of the target like a hair, broken nail, etc. These practitioners consider that the ritual conducted on an object that was once connected to the target will remain permanently bonded with him, in spite of having been separated. These witches conduct the act on these discarded items that can even be a shirt or a footprint, to cast the spell.

There are also other types of magic. Some of the classifications seen today are:

Candle Magic

Candle magic derives the power from the candles and concentrates it to a point using candles of varying colors, scents and dressings. The Santeria priests, for instance, observe the movement of the flame to identify the outcome of the spells cast. They are of the opinion that the candles hold immense energy to make their way into the spiritual world, bringing with it the powers obtained from there to strengthen the spells cast.

Crystal Magic

Crystal magic sucks in the energy and concentrates it on a point, making it a highly forceful ingredient in conducting magic. It is the goal that is to be obtained by the spellcaster that determines the type of crystal that is to be employed in the ritual.

Herbal Magic

Herbal magic includes the presence of a myriad of herbs to augment the power exuded by the spells. These herbs can be used singly or in combination with many others to make it powerful. The herbal brews, incenses, or soaps are meant to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit.

Knot Magic

Knot magic is a simple method, which binds the energy from the spell into each knot made on the cord. The color of the cord, its length; all have a voice in the spells cast. Once these knots are done, it is presented to the spell seeker or is buried in the ground depending on the beliefs of the spell caster.

Low Magic

Low Magic is more earthy and has a simpler set up. It usually involves the use of tools like candles, stones, herbs, etc. to help direct energy. That’s why it is practiced with less formality and mostly encompasses our common sense. The free spells you will find on the Internet are typically Low Magic.

High Magic

High magic, on the other hand, is when all power and energy come from either inside of you, or from spirits and deities you invoke. It may be defined as the kind that brings about a spiritual transformation in the person who practices it. Also known as ceremonial magic, High Magic follows a set of formalities and guidelines. Since it is time-consuming, it tends to be expensive and must be performed accurately and by people who have studied it adequately.

Deity Magic

Another type you may consider is Deity Magic. This is when you would draw energy from a particular God(s) and/or Goddess(es). In order to cast these powerful spells, you will need to know how to use Deities properly.

There are many other types of magic, like binding, elemental, dream, weather, and poppet magic. Whatever be the type of magic employed, the underlying intention is to drive away the negativity and fill it with the positive energy that makes our journey forward smoother.


Casting Different Types of Spells

Improvements in life can be achieved through casting spells, and there are many ways that you can do this. Spells can be used for many purposes based on the various traditions that use magical influence such as conjuration, Wicca, Witchcraft, Obeah, Santeria, and Voodoo. Basically, the form of magic you select will depend on the beliefs you follow.

Now that you are aware of the fact that there are different magical paths you can choose, below is a basic idea of the help you can achieve through spells.

Spells can help you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  There are not only many different spiritual paths that you can choose, but there are also different types of spells. Such types of spells include red, green, purple, white, and black magic.  Every type of spell can do something different for you.

They are as follows:

Red Magic

These spells typically include love spells, fertility spells, and sexual spells. It consists of spells that are used to find love; drawing a loved one closer to you; celebrating your relationship; improving sex life; increasing fertility and so on. Essentially, the spiritual help these spells provide has to do with promoting love, fertility, and sexuality. You can use it for both positive and manipulative purposes. Red spells include attraction spells, reuniting love spells, mending a broken heart and fidelity spells.

Green Magic

These spells typically include money spells, luck spells, and success spells. The spells used in green magic increase your chances of gaining money; success at receiving a job offer, promotion, or attracting a business partner; enhance good luck, etc. The spiritual help of green spells has to do with prosperity and business success. You can use it for both positive and negative purposes. If you feel your palms itching, you may want to cast green spells that will encompass all spells for money, success, and luck. These rituals can usually help to find a new job, receive a promotion, and live in prosper.

Purple Magic

Purple magic consists of spells that are focused on gaining personal success or controlling others. You can use it for drawing in allies; manipulation; compelling others to do as you wish; attracting dark spirits or demons and so on. The spiritual help is designed for dark purposes and you can use purple spells to increase personal power and force others to bend to your will. In addition, you can also use it to gain personal success such as creating allies in the workforce or between friends, manipulating such souls and making others do what you want. Purple spells are risky and are considered a poor man’s black magic, which could be dangerous for all since you are essentially trying to break one’s willpower.

Black Magic

The sole purpose of black magic is mainly to wish ill on someone else. With black magic, you can use spells to cause sickness or unnatural illness; destroy love affairs; keep enemies away; seek justice; curse, jinx, or hex someone. The spiritual help of black spells allows one to act upon their wrath and casting spells to harm their enemy. Black magic is the darkest type of magic and I don’t recommend using it for personal gain. There may be severe consequences that are related to using this type of spells.

White Magic

The purpose of white magic is to help positively influence those you care about, as well as yourself. White spells offer spiritual help for blessing a new job; assist in healing the body and mind; protect people from hexes or curses, and help good wishes and dreams come true. Spells listed under this category should only be used for positive and uplifting means. There are many different types of white magic, but a common definition for this magic is used in healing and protection spells.  However, others believe that any kind of magic that contributes to human life, making one happier and healthier and does not harm another human being can be classified as white magic.

Casting Spells

There are many ways that spells can provide you with spiritual help. That being said, you need to understand that by simply casting a spell is only part of the goal seeking process. For instance, if you cast a success spell in the hopes to get a job, you still need to look at job listings and apply for jobs. It’s highly unlikely that a job is going to come knocking on your door simply because you cast a spell.

In other words, spell casting will improve your chances of gaining what you desire, but when it all comes down to it; you’re the only one who can make it happen by acting on your wishes.

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