How to Invoke or Evoke a Spirit, Deity, God, Goddess, Ancestor, Angel, or Demon

Invoking a Spirit

Last Updated on July 10, 2022 by Wishbonix

When you mention the word “spirit” to someone, they will immediately connect it with the kind of evil spirits that inhabit every horror movie.

In fact, however, it is not nearly as inherent to black magic as you might expect, and spirits can actually be used to add power to a rite or ritual.

Magic is famous for involving the power to cast spells and invoke or evoke spirits, deities, gods, goddesses, angels, demons, or ancestors. What is an invocation, and is it safe? Yes, it can be safe, but you must educate yourself properly and do it safely and correctly.

An example is that you can call on the spirits of nature to help with nature-based spells, an ancestor you want to ask for advice, or a deity, god, or goddess you wish to ask for help.

The Six Steps of How to Invoke a Spirit

  1. Determine the kind of ritual.
  2. Decide which spirit best fits the ritual.
  3. Plan what you want from the spirit and what time you want to do the invocation.
  4. Cleanse yourself.
  5. Plan what to say to invoke the spirit.
  6. State the incantation.


1. Determine the Kind of Ritual or Magic Spell

You can cast any spell and invoke a spirit for additional help. Before you can even think about invoking the spirit of your choice, you must be able to classify the spell you want to cast. Are you doing a love spell, or is it a spell for monetary gain or protection? In this planning stage, you should select the spell, set your intention, and list all the items and tools you will need to perform the ritual. The planning stage is crucial, don’t rush.

2. Decide which Spirit Best Fits the Ritual

Find out which of the many spirits best fits the job you want them to do. You can invoke a spirit, God, Goddess, deity, angel, faerie, mermaid, demon, or ancestors to assist you. This part will take some research on your part. You will need to select a spirit that rules over the specific area you need help with. If you need help in love, you may want to invoke the Goddess Isis or Hathor. If it’s money, you may petition Fortuna or Mermaids. If it’s something on the dark side of magic, and you are well-versed in magic, you may want to invoke one of the many demons. The most common spirits represent the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These four are the ones that you are most likely to need. Again, researching is the only way to find the best spirit for your needs.

3. Plan What You Want and Plan the Timing

Write down precisely what you want the invoked spirit to help you with. Also, based on your magical tradition, decide which date and time of day will be the most powerful for your specific spirit. Events and times of particular cosmic power are undoubtedly worth planning around as they can add extra power and potency to your spell casting. Please refer to our Spell Timing Guide if you do not follow any specific magical tradition.

4. Cleanse Yourself

This is important as spiritual cleansing allows you to remove all the dirt from your body and wash away all negative energies that could cloud your spell casting and invocation ritual. If you do not yet have a spiritual cleansing routine, you can choose one of our many Spiritual Cleansing Rituals. Once you are spiritually cleansed, dress in clean clothes, preferably white, or even perform the ritual being naked to symbolize purity.

5. Plan the Incantation

Decide which words you will use for the actual invocation. These words must not only apply to the particular ritual but must also have personal significance to work. Don’t feel intimidated by this task, a heartfelt incantation that communicates your intentions will serve you better than a pre-written one. Without a particularly strong personal incantation, there is very little chance that the spell will work in the way you expected.

6. State the Spirit Incantation

Say the pre-arranged words slowly and with perfect clarity, also focusing your energy on drawing out the necessary power from your body. If necessary, repeat the words and visualize the outcome of your ritual in your head. After doing this, it is good to meditate and thank the spirit world for its work.

To conclude, if you can carry out all of the stages of the process I outlined above, then there is no reason that your spirit invocation will not work perfectly. Of course, as with many magical techniques, forward planning is essential and is almost necessary to ensure that the whole ritual happens as smoothly as possible.

Spirit invocation is another critical and valuable magical skill that is good to possess. So, remember this process and add it to your magical arsenal. You’ll be summoning up the perfect spirits in no time at all!


What is an Invocation?

The invocation is the internal summoning of energies and entities.

Invocation is the magical technique of “calling in.” In this context, “calling in” means calling or summoning energy (defined beforehand) within a person or a circle. As with evocation, this power can be, for example, spirits, deities, elemental beings, beings from the other world or the fairy kingdom, spirits of the dead, demons, or gods.

Corresponding to the evocation, an invocation can be celebrated to amplify specific energies and increase them with the support of the summoned entity. In addition, you can use this magical technique to communicate with other entities.

These identical possible uses clearly show that both practices differ primarily in the location at which the called instance is later located. An invocation is not the opposite of an evocation.


Carrying out an Invocation

An invocation makes greater demands on the practitioner than an evocation. First, as with the magical technique of “calling out,” you must summon an entity. However, this does not happen in an external space but directly within the practitioner.

For this to be possible at all, you must create space. This is accomplished in most cases by the practitioner entering a meditative state. Depending on the intensity of the invocation, it can resemble a daydream or a deep trance. Here, human consciousness takes a back seat to a certain point. In this way, the practitioner grants the entity the space it needs to be able to work there.

A state of obsession is consciously created through invocation. Humans always associate the word “obsession” with something negative and compulsive. However, this is not the case with an invocation. Both the practitioner and the entity enter into this temporary connection voluntarily. After completing the invocation, the entity leaves and releases the body.

Depending on the intensity of the invocation, the instance can take control of the human’s body. Of course, this can be dangerous if the summoned entity uses its position of power to harm the person or those around them. Therefore it is recommended to carry out invocations in the presence of other initiates. They should be physically able to hold the practitioner. During an invocation, a practitioner can develop tremendous powers. These can far exceed their everyday potential. That’s why it is important to stretch on the fact that you should only invoke entities with whom you have already worked and who you trust.

Once you’ve calmed your mind, focus it on the energy to be summoned. Visualize it and ask it to enter you. Imagine what it is like to be it, feel it, feel how it feels inside you. Be it with everything you are. And then let yourself fall. Trust it, trust it completely. One cannot invoke without trust. You don’t need to know more; everything else will take care of itself.

Ask the energy to leave you after you have reached your goal or run out of strength, and thank it properly.


After the Invocation

Similar to evocation, you should behave politely and respectfully when saying goodbye to the entity. Since small gifts maintain a friendship, you should always make a small sacrifice to the entity. This can consist of wine, milk, fruit, nuts, bread, cake, or tobacco, for example. Please pay attention to the quality of the products. Self-cultivated or harvested offerings are welcome.

After an invocation, it is essential to thoroughly ground and purify yourself. You should eat and drink something with it. Invocations can be very physically demanding, depending on the intensity and duration.


Examples of Invocations

  • Practitioners who take on the function of elemental guardians in a ritual usually celebrate a light form of invocation. They call the energies of the element into themselves and transmit them into the circle.
  • Many mediums work in a state of invocation. They give the spirit space in them and thus enable other people to communicate with them, for example.
  • Priests also often invoke deities in rituals. An example is the union of the goddess and the horned creature in Beltane witchcraft.

DividerWhat is an Evocation?


The evocation is an external summoning of energies and entities

Evocation is the magical technique of “calling out.” In this context, “calling out” means the calling or summoning an energy (defined beforehand) outside of a person or a circle. This power can be, for example, elemental beings, beings from the other world or the fairy kingdom, spirits of the dead, demons, or gods.

An evocation can be performed to amplify specific energies and increase them with the support of the summoned entity. In addition, you can evoke such powers to help communicate with other worlds, request guidance, engage services, or obtain needed information.


Performing an Evocation

With evocation, a previously developed or traditionally based invocation is usually celebrated, aimed at the energy to be summoned and intended to make it appear.

The symbol or sigil of the entity and an incantatory pentagram can be drawn in the air, drawn on the ground, or painted on paper to assist in speaking the evocation. People who frequently celebrate evocations usually use an object that only serves this purpose. This can be, for example, a dagger, a sword, a feather, or a wand.

Some practitioners also transfer the symbol or sigil of the entity to be evoked onto paper or parchment before evoking it and then use this in the ritual. Particular emphasis is often placed on the ink used, and sometimes one’s own blood is used. Here one should be careful not only from a magical point of view.

Since modern technology seems to have found its way into magic, a laser printer is also used for this magical act. How stylish.
Regardless of the technique used to represent the symbol or seal in a worldly manner, you should visualize it in connection with the evocation. In general, however, using a symbol or seal is not mandatory.

You will soon perceive its vibrations if a force has been successfully evoked. It now needs to be strengthened using visualization to create a form that represents the entity. When evoking beings, we associate certain images, traits, and feelings with them. It is crucial to capture these ideas in a picture and visualize this for support. Often, with the appearance of the conjuring forces, images come into our consciousness that we only need to focus on.

Before you make requests, you should first inquire whether and what the entity expects of you in return for its service. If you don’t want to pay the price they want, don’t hesitate to thank the entity and say goodbye. Some beings become angry when they are not paid the agreed price for their work. Don’t try to cheat the entity. You will be the one to suffer. Even the attempt to haggle is frowned upon in some circles.


After the Evocation

After successfully evoking the desired entity and agreeing on the price for its services, it is time to say farewell to the entity.

Please be polite and respectful and make a small sacrifice to the entity. This can consist of wine, milk, fruit, nuts, bread, cake, or tobacco. Please pay attention to the quality of the products. Self-cultivated or harvested offerings are welcome.

If this is not possible, use organic goods. Now, you may be wondering why you should invest so much money if you’re just going to “throw it away” after all. A sacrifice should come from the heart. Make sure you show adequate respect and be generous, and thank the entity for its help and good cooperation.

If you plan to work with the power more often, let it know and ask if it is okay with it. This will make it easier for you to summon it next time. It may be willing to tell you its name, but don’t push it unless you know what you’re doing. Say goodbye to the entity and wish it a pleasant journey home.

Finally, you should ground and cleanse yourself. One meal can work wonders!


A Warning

Never summon a power for no apparent reason or just for fun! Summonings are not a game and can be dangerous. In the case of invocations, in particular, it is advisable to only work with entities you already know and in whom you have the appropriate trust.

I would like to point out that undesirable beings can also appear. Therefore, you should verify that the summoned power is the correct one. Pay attention to your intuition:

  • Are you comfortable around the entity?
  • Do their energies/characteristics match those you desire?
  • Do you feel destructive forces turning against you?
  • Do you have the feeling the entity wants to deceive you?

If you have summoned or attracted an entity that is “negative” towards you, you should say goodbye to them. Unless it leaves voluntarily, you should banish the power.

Please observe the ritual’s usual protective, centering, and grounding measures.

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