Make Someone Realize They Have Done Wrong

Make Some Realize they have done wrong

Last Updated on February 8, 2025 by Wishbonix

A Karmic Spell of Reflection

This spell is a beacon of positive energy and karmic balance. Designed to inspire self-awareness and healing, it helps someone who has wronged you realize their actions and feel compelled to make amends. This ritual does not seek vengeance or harm but instead channels the forces of understanding and reconciliation. By releasing pure intent and invoking the power of threefold energy, this spell aligns with the natural laws of karma to restore harmony.


Purpose of the Spell

The karmic spell is about fostering awareness in those who have caused you pain, encouraging them to reflect on their actions. It’s a gentle yet powerful way to help them understand how their choices impacted you, nudging them toward apologizing and making things right. This process not only aids in mending relationships but also promotes healing for everyone involved.


Key Elements of the Spell

  • Positive Energy: The spell works by releasing uplifting vibrations into the universe. These energies encourage introspection and emotional growth in the person you direct them toward.
  • The Power of Chanting: Repetition amplifies energy. Saying the chant three times signifies the sacred rule of three, magnifying the spell’s intention and karmic impact.
  • A Sacred Space: Performing the ritual in a quiet and safe environment helps you focus your intent, letting your words resonate with clarity and purpose.


Ingredients You’ll Need

Ingredients for the Spell to Make Someone Realize their wrongs

  • A picture of the person you wish to include in the spell

When to Cast This Spell

  • Waxing Moon: The waxing moon phase is a powerful time for spells that involve growth and change. This is when the moon’s energy amplifies your intentions.
  • Full Moon: For maximum potency, perform this ritual during the full moon. Its luminous energy aids in clarity, illumination, and enhanced magical workings.

How to Perform the Ritual Make Someone Realize They Have Done Wrong

Find Your Sacred Space: Choose a location where you feel secure, undisturbed, and deeply connected to your spiritual self. This could be a serene corner in your home, a spot in nature, or any place that feels calming and balanced. Sit or kneel on the floor in your chosen space. Place the picture of the person flat on the ground in front of you. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and align your energy.

Center Yourself: Before beginning, take a few deep breaths to clear your mind. Ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth or holding an object that brings you peace, such as a crystal or a favorite charm.

Adopt the Prayer Position: Bring your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer-like gesture. Focus on your intention as you gather your energy.

Prepare for The Chant: Reflect on the situation and the person involved. Hold the intention in your heart, but focus on resolution, understanding, and emotional equilibrium rather than anger or pain.

Chant with Power and Conviction: Recite the chant of reflection aloud three times, projecting your voice with sincerity and belief. Speak clearly, infusing each word with positive energy and purpose.

By the power of three times three,
Let (name of person) see,
How much they have done wrong,
May they suffer as long
As I have, three times three times three.
May they know the hurt and pain,
The sorrow at the lack of gain.
As I have, three times three times three,
May they come crawling back,
Humbled to be back,
To bring to me
Their apology.

Seal the Energy: Once you’ve completed the chant, turn the picture over so the image faces the floor. Gently but firmly stamp on it with your foot, visualizing the energy of the chant taking effect.

Repeat for Nine Days: Perform these steps once a day for nine consecutive days using the same photograph. It’s important to remain consistent to build the energy and intention over time.

Burn the Picture: On the ninth and final day, take the picture to an outdoor space. Burn it completely, allowing the energy of your intention to be released into the universe.

Spread the Ashes: Scatter the ashes around a large tree. This symbolizes growth, grounding, and the karmic cycle returning to balance.


Essential Considerations

  • Respect Free Will: This spell encourages insight and regret, but it cannot and should not force someone to act against their will. It works with natural energies, not against them.
  • Be Mindful and Ethical: Your intentions must remain rooted in compassion and resolution, not retribution or harm. The spell’s power lies in its purity of purpose.
  • Have Patience: The universe works in mysterious ways and on its own timeline. Trust that the energy you’ve set in motion is moving toward resolution, even if the results take time to manifest.

By performing this karmic spell, you step into your spiritual power while holding space for clarity, healing, and understanding. Remember, the magic you send into the world reflects the light within you—choose to illuminate the path to peace and balance.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a Spell or Hex?

This is a question that comes up often. No, this is not a hex, curse, or jinx. Instead, it is a justice spell, designed to work with the natural flow of energy. When someone wrongs you, they create negative energy through their actions. This spell reflects that negativity back to them, acting as a mirror for their own behavior.

The severity of what they experience depends on the weight of their own actions. The spell doesn’t add harm or misfortune—it simply amplifies the karmic return of the energy they’ve already put out into the universe.

What matters most is your intention. If performed with a focus on justice and resolution rather than spite or revenge, the spell works in harmony with universal energies. While some may see it as a mild form of retribution, it is not rooted in malice, nor does it aim to curse or harm.

Think of this as a spiritual nudge—a way to encourage accountability and understanding, ultimately fostering balance and healing rather than destruction.


I want him or her to realize that they did wrong, but I do not want to inflict any harm, can this spell help?

Absolutely. If your goal is to help someone realize their wrongdoing without causing harm, this spell can be a supportive tool. It works by encouraging self-awareness and reflection, allowing the person to understand the impact of their actions.

If you feel uneasy about any part of the chant or wording, you are encouraged to tailor it to your unique circumstances and intentions. The spell is flexible and can be adjusted to better reflect your ethical values and desired outcomes. Remember, your intentions are the heart of the spell—they shape its energy and impact.

When casting, focus on guiding the person toward insight, growth, and resolution rather than harboring anger or resentment. By approaching the spell with good intentions and a clear heart, you ensure it aligns with positive energies and promotes healing for everyone involved.


I would like to ask a God or Goddess for help, which one should I call upon?

If you wish to seek divine assistance for this spell, you can call upon one of several gods or goddesses linked to justice, reflection, balance, or karmic energy. Each deity possesses unique qualities that align with the purpose of this ritual, offering their guidance and strength to your intent.

Here are some divine figures you might consider invoking for this spell:

  • Anat – A warrior goddess associated with vengeance and protection, perfect for situations requiring justice or redress.
  • Aphrodite – Known as the goddess of love, she can assist with healing broken relationships and fostering reconciliation.
  • Arawn – A Celtic god of the Otherworld and justice, ideal for spells that call for karmic balance.
  • Arianrhod – The Celtic goddess of destiny and cycles, offering wisdom and clarity for self-realization.
  • Astarte – A goddess of love and justice, who can bring fairness and emotional wisdom.
  • Badb – A figure from Irish mythology associated with prophecy and truth, helping uncover the lessons within a person’s actions.
  • Cybele – A nurturing yet powerful goddess, embodying cycles of reflection, creation, and balance.
  • Gwydion – A Welsh deity of magic and transformation, aiding in bringing about self-awareness and change.
  • Hecate – Known as the goddess of magic and crossroads, she is a powerful ally for spells focusing on karmic justice and transformation.
  • Holle – A Germanic goddess of destiny and balance, her presence is valuable for guiding energies toward resolution.
  • Indra – A Vedic deity associated with storms and truth, symbolizing the breaking through of illusions or denial.
  • Kali – A fiercely transformative goddess, ideal for spells requiring deep self-awareness and the dissolution of harmful patterns.
  • Lugh – A Celtic god of justice and craftsmanship, useful for resolving conflicts with fairness and accountability.
  • Maeve – A powerful queen and figure in Irish mythology, representing autonomy, confidence, and karmic justice.
  • Mars – The Roman god of war and reasoned conflict, helpful for addressing discord while honoring justice.
  • The Morrigan – A Celtic deity associated with prophecy, fate, and balance, perfect for spells resolving karmic energy.
  • Nemesis – The Greek goddess of retribution and balance, representing the restoration of fairness.
  • Ra – The Egyptian sun god, bringing illumination and clarity to unveil wrongs and foster growth.
  • Sekhmet – The Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing, channeling her energy to create transformation and accountability.

Choose a deity whose energy resonates most with your intentions and the specific circumstances of your spell. Approach them respectfully, through prayer or offering, and invite their guidance to support your ritual. Remember, their presence amplifies the strength of your purpose and the spell’s alignment with universal justice and balance.


How can I customize this spell to fit my specific needs?

Modifying a spell to align with your intentions and circumstances enhances its power and personal resonance. Below are various ways you can adapt this spell, grouped by specific goals. Each adjustment adds unique energy to the ritual, amplifying its effectiveness.

Turning a Situation Around
To shift circumstances in your favor, incorporate an orange candle into your ritual. Anoint the candle with Lily of the Valley oil, a symbol of hope and renewal, before lighting it during all nine days of the spell. On the final day, allow the candle to burn out completely. This enhances the energy of transformation, clearing obstacles in your path.

Revealing Truth
For truth to rise to the surface, begin the ritual on a Monday or Tuesday, days associated with clarity and strength. Add Valerian incense to your practice, allowing its mystical aroma to unveil hidden truths and bring to light what needs to be seen. This combination strengthens the energy of honesty and illumination.

Promoting Trust
To foster trust and understanding, include a green candle in your spellwork. Carve the Eihwaz Rune symbol, known for its connection to stability and trust, into the wax, and light the candle during your ritual. For an added layer of protection, place a Ruby stone and a copper coin nearby. These powerful elements offer stability, grounding energy, and a shield from negativity.

Infusing the Ritual with Love
If your intention is centered around love and emotional healing, start the spell on a Friday or Monday, both days associated with harmony and affection. Use a pink candle, symbolizing unconditional love, and carve the Inguz Rune symbol into the wax to invite new beginnings and connection. Anoint the candle with rose oil, known for its loving and calming vibrations, before lighting it during your ritual.

Personalizing Your Practice
Remember, these modifications are meant to enhance your unique intentions. You can combine these elements or adapt them further to align with your needs. By weaving your personal energy and creativity into the ritual, you make it your own, strengthening its potency and deepening your connection to its purpose.


What does the Eihwaz Rune Symbol for Trust look like?

Eihwaz Rune Symbol

What does the Inguz Rune Symbol for love look like?

Inguz Rune Symbol


Are there any risks associated with casting this spell?

This spell is generally safe as long as it stems from positive intentions. If your goal is to guide the other person toward self-awareness and accountability, you should encounter no risks. The key is to approach the ritual with a clear heart and a focus on resolution, not retaliation.

However, if your intentions lean toward punishment or inflicting harm, the spell may carry unintended consequences. Negative energy, when sent out, has the potential to circle back to you, amplifying emotions like anger or pain. This imbalance can result in a karmic backlash, disrupting the harmony you seek to restore.

To ensure the spell aligns with ethical and balanced practices, spend time grounding yourself before casting. Reflect on your intentions honestly and ask yourself if they are rooted in a desire for justice, healing, or understanding. If any traces of malice or resentment arise, take steps to release them through meditation, journaling, or shadow work before proceeding.

By focusing on positive and fair outcomes, you set the spell’s energy on a path that encourages growth and reconciliation. Remember, the magic you weave reflects the energy you carry—choose to work in harmony with light and balance for the best results.

27 thoughts on “Make Someone Realize They Have Done Wrong

    • Amyan says:

      You can write your own spell using your knowledge of the elements or you can change a spell a bit to fit it more to what you’re trying to accomplish.
      I didn’t have a printed photo of the person that I wanted to realize their wrong. I used a piece of paper with their name on it. Then, after the spell, I put the paper in a bowl that the person gave me and then covered it in strawberries. Among other attributes, strawberries can be used to gain love, by overcoming barriers and issues. In a spell, strawberries can make a situation or a person more sweet.

  1. deb says:

    what if you just want them to sincerely regret what they have done and confess to everyone that they lied about you, and the people that believed him, no longer believes him and never will, and they don’t want to have anything to do with them. I just want him to tell the truth.

    • jess3143 says:

      Write your own spell, intent is everything most of my spells I write myself as did my family member generations ago. Writing your own spell is more direct you an use other spells to help you if necessary, I feel there is no chance of misinterpretation, or the spell going wrong. I’d suggest still writing the person’s name and your spell and call for assistance of whoever it is you honour maybe ancestors and ancients too. I would burn the spell ask the Goddess or your preference to answer your prayer as the ashes/spell burn in to the air, the use of elements will help too. Blessed Be

  2. Ana says:

    Print the picture. It works just fine.
    The picture is not what makes it happen. If you can visualize the person, it counts. The picture is only to help you concentrate on the person you wish to regret.

    • Cherry says:

      Tune into youth chakra. Visualize it already happening. Intensely and with emotions you will feel then, when it happens. If it still doesn’t work, consider the person’s own energy field and whether adjusting his or her energy for them is something the universe or divine wants for you. Or ask yourself how the person grew up and what people were involved in the person gradually becoming the person he is that would lead to him doing the wrong. Changing many people is a lot harder to do. Stubbornness is strong enough to block your energetic will, as well. If this person is not open to change on any level it can be hard to give him the energetic nudge necessary. But the 8th chakra is where you want to be when you are dealing with possibilities, truths and creating or manifesting what future you desire.

    • Bettany says:

      That’s sad. It worked for me, but I had to cast it twice. You should try again, sometimes the universe needs an extra push.

  3. Linde Kelderman says:

    Hi, I was wondering if this spell does any harm to the person you are casting the spell on. I would not want that to happen.

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